An online Skrill survey of 2,000 British adults supplied by OnePoll has found that 41% expect their use of mobile payments to increase. In the 18 to 24 age group the figure was 59% and 30% of all those polled believed they will shop on their mobiles within the next year.

Skrill revealed that the most popular financially related use of a mobile was paying for goods in shops instead of using a credit card. A quarter of those surveyed (26%) used their phone for money saving purposes such as price comparison applications.

Payments under GBP10 (USD 15.97) appeared to be the transaction value that people felt most comfortable, 40% saying that they would pay for items such as coffee, sandwiches and parking fees using their mobile. 24% said that they would pay for items under GBP100 (USD 159.76) using their phone.

However, the perception of mobile payments’ safety was an issue, with only one in ten describing them as ‘secure’. Speed, instead, seems to be the driving force, with ‘easy’ and ‘fast’ amongst the most popular ways to describe the payment method.

Skrill chief executive Siegfried Heimgaertner commented: "It is a complex time in the development of mobile payment technology, but our research shows that the appetite for mobile payments is clearly growing among consumers, particularly for low value items."