Saudi Arabia-based Al Rajhi Bank has completed
the main deployment phase of
Gemalto’s Dexxis Instant Issuance programme for immediate EMV
card issuance.
Gemalto’s Dexxis Instant Issuance solution is
designed to manage the issuance process of cards in bank branches
or POS terminals.
The bank said that with more than 500 branches
across the region and over 15, 000 cards issued daily, this is one
of the largest rollouts of any smart banking card instant issuance
The Saudi bank said its partnership with
Gemalto enabled it to reduced its associated cost and improve on
the logistical challenges associated with traditional courier based
delivery services.
Gemalto’s solution also encompasses EMV
Dynamic Data Authentication (DDA), a security feature which helps
to reduce fraud by detecting counterfeit and duplicate cards.
There is a widening gap between mobile banking
adoption rates at smaller banks and credit unions compared to
larger financial institutions, research by Javelin has found
Javelin’s Mobile Banking, Smartphone and Tablet Forecast
2011-2016 also showed that consumers’ use of mobile banking rose
dramatically in 2011, jumping by 63% 35m US adults in 2010 to its
current level of 57m.