Norwegian company IDEX Biometrics has teamed up with Chinese secure element vendor Tongxin Microelectronics (TMC) to accelerate adoption of biometric payment cards.
As per the agreement, the two companies will jointly work for creating a compatible biometric smart card solution for end-customer implementation.
TMC offers secure elements such as a micro-processor chip which are crucial to payment card integrators.
In order to achieve compatibility between the biometric sensor and the secure element, IDEX’s sensor will be integrated with TMC’s element for dual-interface solutions.
The dual-interface solution will support match in both biometric MCU and match in the secure element.
A native code will be created in the secure element to control and manage IDEX’s sensor in the operating system of the secure element.
TMC vice president Yimin Ding said: “Through the rapid adoption of sensors in smart phones people have become accustomed to biometric authentication. It is a very logical next step to introduce this usability and security in payment cards.
“The combined solution, with our secure element and IDEX’s fingerprint sensor which enables matching in the secure element, creates a very compelling value proposition; a simple and secure turn-key solution for customers.”
IDEX Biometrics CEO Stan Swearingen said: “The demand for biometric smart cards is growing thanks to their increased security and convenience for end users. Therefore, it is critical for card manufacturers that the biometric solutions are compatible with the secure element in the card, known as the EMV chip.
“IDEX is delighted to have joined forces with TMC to ensure complete compatibility of our solutions.”
In April this year, IDEX formed alliance with Chutian Dragon and PAX Technology to speed up biometric smart card adoption in Asia.