M-payments from Poste Italiane…
Barclaycard thinks big…
TJX settles with MasterCard
ATMs go up in smoke
Visa Europe under regulatory fire


M-payments from Poste Italiane

Poste Italiane, Italy’s government-owned postal service, has
launched PosteMobile, a comprehensive mobile phone-based
transaction service. PosteMobile is the first service of its kind
to be offered by a postal service provider. Announced in late 2007
PosteMobile enables users to transfer money to and from Poste
Italiane Postepay prepaid card and BancoPosta accounts, undertake
mobile phone top ups, pay bills and check balances on their
BancoPosta and Postepay accounts.


Barclaycard thinks big

Payment card specialist Barclaycard has big plans for contactless
payments in the UK, targeting to increase the number of retail
outlets equipped with its OneTouch contactless card terminals from
4,000 at present to 20,000 by the end of 2008. In addition
Barclaycard anticipates it will issue 1 million new contactless
cards in the UK in 2008. Launched in September 2007, Barclaycard’s
contactless programme is based on Visa’s payWave contactless
payments solution.


TJX settles with MasterCard

US retailer TJX Companies has agreed to pay MasterCard $24 million
in settlement of costs incurred by card issuers following a
security breach that resulted in sensitive details of an estimated
46 million credit and debit card users being stolen and sold to
fraudsters. TJX reached a similar agreement with Visa in November
2007 in which a $40.9 million settlement was agreed.


ATMs go up in smoke

South African banks face a major and escalating problem: ATM
robberies in which explosives are used. According to figures from
industry body the South African Banking Risk Information Centre
explosives were used in 186 ATM robberies in the first quarter of
2008, compared with 335 in 2007 and 54 in 2006. South Africa has a
total of about 15,000 ATMs.


Visa Europe under regulatory fire

The European Commission, the European Union’s executive branch, has
announced it will open a formal anti-competitive enquiry relating
to Visa Europe multilateral interchange fees for cross-border point
of sale transactions within the European Economic Area. No deadline
for the completion of the enquiry has been set.