All articles by Editorial


Country Survey: Turkey

Card payments grew robustly between 2008 and 2012 in Turkey. Debit and credit cards have been key in driving growth, followed by prepaid cards. Consumer preference is increasingly turning towards card payments, encouraged by campaigns by the Turkish authorities, and e-commerce is also thought to be driving growth in cards, writes CI

Country Survey: The UK

In the UK, a shift in consumer attitude has seen a decline in credit card share of the payments market and is expected to cause a rise in use of debit and prepaid cards. Many banks are also now offering contactless cards and there were 23m such cards in circulation in 2012, writes CI

Norway introduces visa cards to children

Norwegian banks spot new opportunities in age-based segmentation for credit cards

Speed and convenience’ marks the future of payments

The message was clear at this year’s Future Payments 2013 Conference held at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel on Wednesday: The payment industry is innovating as never before, but not all entrepreneurs are focusing on the key-question ‘what’s for the consumer?’