All articles by Isaac Hanson

Isaac Hanson
Signal: India’s Paytm launches a $12 hybrid PoS and soundbox
India’s largest digital payments company hopes to expand card acceptance amongst small businesses
Atlantic Money is betting on fiat as it expands into B2B
CEO Neeraj Baid tells EPI how he intends to disrupt the disruptors: keep it simple.
Cryptocurrencies aren’t currencies, so what are they? It’s still unclear
Isaac Hanson explores the uncertain legal status of cryptocurrencies in the US following high-profile lawsuits.
Signal: SEC crypto crackdown may be having unintended effect
The 19 coins classified as securities by the SEC in June have seen an uptick in trading as bitcoin stabilises.
Tweets of the week: crypto gains, blockchain meddling and debt troubles
As XRP wins landmark victory against SEC, hopes are high for crypto’s future – but trouble may be on the horizon as banks get involved