Each week Electronic Payments International’s independent editorial team focus their attention on key trends, markets and payment strategy. With relationships developed over 35 years they are able to source unique thinking and insight form key stakeholders in the industry.

In this sample of our monthly publication is a feature on US Bank PNC joining RippleNet and how it’s increasingly achieving mainstream legitimacy with their growing list of banks. Itau Unibanco, Axis Bank, Yes Bank amongst others are now involved, SEB has now processed $1bn over RippleNet using xCurrent. We look this and Ripple’s xRapid payment flow to understand it’s development. A Country Profile looking at Iran which is seeing card growth from bank & government initiatives is included below;

Click here to read through the features.

This is a sample of EPI content so we’d welcome the opportunity to explain EPI along with hear your key areas off interest, to establish if access would be useful.

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Thanks for your time.

The Electronic Payments International team