Citi has hit back at claims its mobile banking
service has fallen behind those of its rivals – and is planning a
series of aggressive m-banking product launches in the coming

Citi head of mobile Liza Landsman’s
resignation last month was seen as another setback to its m-banking
service, which has suffered from low usage numbers and technical
problems since launch in 2007.

Landsman, who is leaving Citi to work at an as
yet unnamed private equity company, told Electronic Payments
International that despite the setbacks, recent surveys showed
the bank had one of the best m-banking services.

“When [consultancy] Javelin looked at banks by
breadth of mobile functionality, they ranked us first last year and
second this year,” she said.

Citi is still yet to announce a replacement
for Landsman but according to the same spokesperson, it is planning
an aggressive agenda for the upcoming months.

The bank will launch of Android and 3G
m-banking in the coming months. It will also roll out InControl, a
service which alerts customers via text when transactions are made
on their accounts. It will be available to credit card
customers later this year and debit card holders in