Luxembourg-based payment solution Mangopay has expanded its offering with new functionalities as well as by accepting seven new currencies.

The new user-friendly features include seven new currencies such as British pound, American dollar, Swiss franc, Polish zloty, Norwegian, Swedish and Danish krone in addition to the euro.

The Australian and Canadian dollar will also be accepted soon.

Additional features include in-app payment using card tokenisation, new open source development kits and test accounts for merchants.

Mangopay will offer a basic rate of 1.8% + €0.18 for the euro and 2.5% + €0.25 for other currencies.

Since last year, Mangopay had signed up 150 European sites to manage their payments.

Mangopay CEO, Céline Lazorthes, said: "I’m proud to announce that Mangopay is now compatible with a wide range of currencies. This was an essential requirement for many of our international clients which we needed to meet."