Payment protocol AEON has launched a QR code payment system on the BNB Chain in collaboration with Terminus, aiming to increase accessibility of crypto payments in Southeast Asia.

This initiative is expected to improve convenience for both users and merchants by promoting seamless crypto transactions at various offline locations across the region.

The “scan-to-pay” feature of AEON integrates with national payment networks such as VietQR in Vietnam and ThaiQR in Thailand.

Merchants can adopt AEON’s system without the need for additional hardware, with payments being settled in local fiat currency.

This Web3-based solution allows for the use of mainstream cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, USDT, USDC, and BNB for in-store purchases.

The collaboration between AEON, BNB Chain, and Terminus offers a user-friendly process for crypto payments in physical stores, according to  AEON.

Customers can scan a QR code, choose their payment method, and complete the transaction, which is then instantly converted into local fiat currency for the merchant’s convenience.

During Devcon 2024 crypto conference, AEON will host an offline QR code payment campaign, where users can experience the convenience of AEON’s and Terminus’s applications by making crypto payments at selected locations.

The BNB Chain ecosystem, known for its low gas fees and community-driven approach, includes BNB Smart Chain (BSC), opBNB, and BNB Greenfield, which together provide a comprehensive Web3 infrastructure.

The Terminus Payment Association is focused on integrating Web3 with the real-world economy, connecting cryptocurrency ecosystems with retail transactions.