Allianz Trade has announced the launch of Allianz Trade pay, a payment solution with a range of services dedicated to B2B e-commerce activities which includes an instant financing solution through its partners. It also includes a digital buyer onboarding solution, an online fraud risk management and mitigation system and trade credit insurance at checkout.

With its e-commerce credit insurance, Allianz Trade offers real-time coverage against non-payment risks to B2B marketplaces, BNPL providers and e-merchants. Allianz Trade is now gearing up to accelerate and go further in order to support more efficiently the B2B ecosystem and to adapt its offer to the rise of e-commerce trade flows.

What does Allianz Trade pay offer?

Among the already existing solutions, Allianz Trade pay offers an e-commerce credit insurance. This solution powers real-time customer credit online, allowing B2B e-merchants to grant payment terms to their clients while being protected from the risk of non-payment.

It also offers an instant financing solution for domestic operations. Allianz Trade’s B2B BNPL partners provide the full BNPL value chain up to the payment immediately powered by Allianz Trade API connection. When a buyer purchases online, the e-merchant receives immediate payment for the purchase, while the BNPL provider will chase the payment of the buyer. In case of a buyer’s inability to pay, Allianz Trade provides the insurance cover to the BNPL partner.

Furthermore, it provides an instant financing solution for multinational operations: Allianz Trade’s multi-country and multi-currency instant financing solution for multinationals works in a similar way as the domestic option, but also involves a financial partner, paying the e-merchant for online transactions in real-time.

François Burtin, Global Head of e-commerce at Allianz Trade, said: “With Allianz Trade pay, we are now covering the entire B2B e-commerce value chain, from KYB to payment, and addressing the needs of the whole ecosystem, from e-merchants to BNPL players, banks and marketplaces. You are a traditional retailer wanting to grow your business safely? You are a marketplace willing to strengthen its KYB process? You are a payment player willing to add a new deferred payment option? We have a solution. The strength of Allianz Trade pay lays in the provision of complementary services, with frictionless integration to your payment pathway. Allianz Trade pay brings simplicity, security, flexibility and competitiveness to the B2B e-commerce market.”