RegTech firm Austreme has launched a new monitoring tool, which will enable acquirers develop a merchant profile that will adhere to the rules of card schemes.

Called Transaction Compliance Gateway (TCG), the new tool will comply with Visa GBPP as well as Mastercard BRAM.

TCG imbibes a host of functionalities in order to address security concerns.

These include transaction laundering detection technology along with SiteInspect Web Content Monitoring Solution.

The tool also includes Patented Brand Discovery Mechanism to reveal IP infringing products in merchant sites.

TCG integrates seamlessly with MPGS, CyberSource and Payvision. At the same time, it is PCI-DSS compliant.

Furthermore, users of the solution can avail up to 100% penalty waiver by Mastercard.

Commenting on the development, Austreme director of risk and compliance Terence Chau said: “With the launch of TCG, acquirers can be more eager and aggressive in signing new merchants, who will be monitored closely by our pioneering technologies,” said, the

“We are pleased to see the first batch of pilot acquirers launched with live merchants, in the last 3 months – with many more participating in trial.

“TCG is making life easier to do e-commerce acquiring business without worrying too much about Visa and MasterCard non-compliance issues.”