The banking industry is once again gearing up
for SIBOS, where Basel III will be driving the agenda.

SWIFT’s annual conference and exhibition is,
this year, being held in Toronto, Canada. The five-day event is
expected to attract some 8,000 delegates from across the banking

Details of the conference programme have been
announced and the focus will be around four main topics:

  • Regulation
  • Geographic shifts
  • The changing landscape of the financial industry
  • How emerging technologies will impact our industry

Big areas of focus are likely to be Basel III,
liquidity and working capital optimisation, negotiating the new
derivatives landscape, e-invoicing, SEPA, mobile payments,
correspondent banking at the crossroads, sanctions and
 AML, electronic bank account management, securities reference
data and emerging markets.

Concurrent with the banking conference,
corporates are being invited to attend a complementary event.

The Forum for Corporates will take place on 20
September and 21 September. This event will get businesses together
to discuss working capital management, e-invoicing, and trade and
supply chain automation among other topics.

Full event and programme details can be viewed