Cambodia-based Canadia Bank has agreed to issue UnionPay International’s Travel Mate.Asia card, a travel-themed product, in Cambodia.

The Chinese card company said that Travel Mate. Asia is a UnionPay programme mainly designed for residents and visitors in Asia who are looking for unique preferential services.

The UnionPay chip debit card can be conveniently used in the UnionPay network across 162 countries and regions.

Additionally, the debit card offers exclusive privileges in 20 major tourist destinations in Asia, including tickets for tourist attractions, transportation, Wi-Fi, lodging, dining, entertainment and shopping.

The card has also been issued in Thailand, Myanmar, the Philippines, Malaysia and other countries and regions.

Earlier, the Cambodian bank has enabled all of its ATMs and POS terminals to accept UnionPay-branded cards. UnionPay cards can be used at 80% of ATMs and 90% of POS terminals in Cambodia.

UnionPay International director of products Shuan Ghaidan said: “The long history of cooperation between both organizations has shown impressive results, especially in the card business.

“Together with Canadia Bank and local partners, we can now upgrade the payment infrastructure in Cambodia to roll out QR code, mobile wallet, virtual card and other cutting edge payment solutions so that Cambodians may enjoy secure, reliable, and convenient cashless payment methods.”