Confida, the Italian Vending Machine Association, and illimity a banking group and PSP (Payment Service Provider) have announced from the Venditalia Expo the creation of Pehi, a new capillary proximity network. A solution which by combining the automatic sale of food and drink with the latest payment and digital service technology extends the potential of vending machines (of which there are over 830,000 throughout Italy), transforming them into genuine service centres available to the general public, places for people to settle their pagoPA payments.

Pehi can already count on a network of 70,000 vending machines, currently being upgraded to handle pagoPA payments

The first business to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the new network was the public tech company PagoPA, owner of the payment platform of the same name that was created with the aim of fostering the capillary distribution of digital public services in Italy. Pehi’s ambition is to develop in three main directions: introducing a new, universally accessible payment channel, rapidly increasing the number of enabled vending machines and extending the range of services provided.

People can access Pehi by using the app that already serves them for buying coffee, drinks and other items, scanning the QR code on the payment notification and paying with the utmost simplicity. They can top up their electronic purse directly at the vending machine, using the apps of the individual providers or in cash, or else by any other means such as credit cards, Apple Pay or Google Pay. On completion of the transaction the user immediately receives confirmation of the payment together with a receipt, in a practical and secure way.

Massimo Trapletti, Chairman of Confida, said: “Vending machines are a Made in Italy technology which has been experiencing a real digital revolution over the past few years: they have become smart, their touch screens have taken the place of keypads, telemetry enables the managing company to connect remotely to its vending machines and payment apps are spreading rapidly. Another step forward has been taken with Pehi, the vending machine network which has 831 thousand sales points in Italy, by providing an important proximity service, meaning that people can pay their bills simply and immediately, buy telephone top-ups and also do a great deal more”.