CRDB Bank, a commercial bank in Tanzania, has introduced a new Visa/MasterCard enabled prepaid card for the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) to reduce cash transactions at the referral hospital in the region.

Called Tembocard KCMC, the card will streamline payments made by patients to further optimise revenues for the hospital.

CRDB Bank managing director, Charles Kimei, said that the launch of the TemboCard KCMC Card will simplify payments and enable the hospital to manage costs related to cash transactions.

By using TemboCard prepaid cards, the number of cash transactions will be reduced at the hospital, considering that more than 50% of daily transactions at the hospital will be cash-based.

Additionally, patients will settle payments at the hospital’s point of sale (POS) terminals by using Tembocard KCMC card and will also obtain transaction receipts quickly and easily.

CRDB Bank has deployed a chip technology in banking cards to make the Tembocards secure.

The Tembocard KCMC Card can be loaded at any CRDB Bank Branch, using Mobile Money Services such as Airtel Money, Tigo Pesa and M-Pesa or through a direct transfer from a CRDB Bank account using the Simbanking platform.

Through the Visa and MasterCard Tembocards, CRDB Bank now has over five million users who can access the over 30 million outlets globally using the two international platforms.