Discover Financial Services’ payments unit Discover Global Network has signed an agreement with Spanish payment processor Redsys to extend merchant acceptance in the country.

The agreement will enable Discover to work with additional acquirers and increase acceptance for Discover, Diners Club International, PULSE and other affiliated network cards.

Through Redsys, the company also already entered into agreements with two primary acquirers in Spain. Currently, it is exploring additional such relationships to bolster its presence in the country.

Discover global acceptance senior vice-president Amy Parsons said: “Thanks to our agreement with Redsys, we now are actively working with two more acquirers in Spain to boost the acceptance of Discover Global Network cards.

“Spain is a travel destination of choice for many of our cardholders and we are looking forward to providing them with more opportunities to use their cards throughout the country.”

Established in 1986, Discover Financial Services is a direct banking and payment services company based in the US. It is also one of the largest card issuers in the country.

Its Discover Global Network includes Discover, Diners Club International, PULSE and affiliate networks.

Globally, it has more than 44 million merchant acceptance locations and two million ATM cash access locations.

Recently, Discover Global Network partnered with Singapore-based FOMO Pay to increase acceptance for cardholders globally.

It also joined forces with British software company Sage to increase card acceptance in the UK and Ireland.