Discover Financial Services payments brand Discover Global Network has joined as a principal member at nexo standards, an association working to streamline payments acceptance.
Discover Global Network is said to process millions of card transactions per day and collaborates with more than ten payments networks.
Under the nexo standards membership, Discover is set to work with nexo technical working groups and committees, as well as other members to maintain payment protocols in line with the current trends of the industry.
In addition, Discover will participate in the nexo General Assembly meetings and offer input to the association’s strategic direction.
Discover Global Network head of global payment standards Cheryl Mish said: “We support nexo’s aim to promote the worldwide interoperability of card payments through the use of common standards.
“In the months ahead, we look forward to working with other nexo standards members to contribute to the nexo specifications and protocols.”
Working on behalf of card payment stakeholders, the association aims to optimise payment acceptance of global contact as well as contactless cards.
nexo protocols are intended to improve interoperability between card acceptance and acquiring solutions.
nexo standards general secretary Arnaud Crouzet said: “Discover is committed to providing effective solutions that evolve as the requirements of the payments ecosystem change.
“Discover will bring a wealth of payments experience to help influence the development and implementation of nexo messaging protocols and specifications across Europe, US and worldwide.”