Euro Banking Association subsidiary EBA Clearing has launched the MyBank service provider program, to assist vendors in the implementation of the SEPA-compliant online banking e-payment (OBeP) network.

The program will also allow service providers to self-certify their infrastructure based on a testing program carried out with the support of MyBank test tools.

John Broxis, director, EBA Clearing, said: "Our Service Provider Program will make it easier for providers to ensure that their products meet the needs of the MyBank users.

"It will give them access to our technical documentation, our events and workshops and – if they sign up to the Self-Certification Program – to the MyBank test environment."

EBA Clearing said it had set up the program ‘to facilitate the exchange of information with the service provider community and its inclusion in the wider stakeholder consultation on the MyBank evolution.’

MyBank aims to provide a universally-accepted method for e-commerce transactions and will go live on March 25, 2013, with 10 banking groups representing 29 MyBank participants.

A second joining window will open on April 15, 2013.

EBA Clearing said the launch will initially involve banks and merchants, while customers will have to wait until the summer.

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