The European Payments Council (EPC) has
appointed a new chairman and vice chairman.Gerard Hartsink is to
step down as chairman of the EPC at the end of June and his post
will be taken on by Javier Santamaría, who has been EPC Plenary
since 2002 and chairman of the EPC SEPA Payment Schemes Working
Group since 2009.

Santamaría is also a member of the Board of
the Euro Banking Association, a director of the

SWIFT Board and of the  Iberpay

Claude Brun, currently the vice chair, will be
succeeded by Günther Gall, who too was a member of the EPC Plenary
since 2002.

Gall is currently the executive director and
head of transaction services at Raiffeisen Bank International
Group, and also a director of the SWIFT Board and member of the
Board of the Euro Banking Association.

The new chairman and vice chairman were
elected on 22 March and will serve a two-year term starting 20 June