American Express (AmEx) has partnered with Ethoca, to quickly settle disputes related to card purchases between merchants and card members.
AmEx has implemented Ethoca Eliminator solution to provide more detailed real-time information to card members who call customer service. The calls coming through relate to unrecognised charges on their accounts.
Ethoca Eliminator recovers transaction information from merchants using the tool. Furthermore, this enables AmEx professionals to relay the details to the consumer on phone.
Resolving card disputes quickly
The card issuer is also planning to offer this solution online in the first quarter of next year. Cardholders will be able to use the platform to view details about their charges at participating merchants.
The new platform complements Ethoca Alerts, which is currently used by AmEx to notify participating merchants about transactions confirmed as fraudulent. Moreover, the company intends to expand this service for dispute situations.
American Express Global Merchant & Network Services Group senior vice-president of global strategy & capabilities Priscilla Kam said: “American Express is committed to providing merchants and card members a simple process for resolving disputes.
“Ethoca’s platforms can help prevent card member disputes before they happen. This helps merchants save time and costs associated with disputes and chargebacks.”
Over the years, AmEx has made various updates to its disputes and chargeback policies. In addition, these have resulted in 700,000 fewer disputes for the company last year.
Ethoca chief marketing and product officer Keith Briscoe said: “Our suite of collaboration-based solutions is focused increasingly on preventing unnecessary disputes before they ever disrupt a customer purchase journey – ultimately helping to ensure a better experience for all parties in the ecosystem.”