Cyprus-based Hellenic Bank has launched water-resistant contactless EMV payment wristbands, which are marketed as PayBand, using Gemalto’s Optelio platform. 

Gemalto worked alongside Mellon Cyprus, its local partner, to provide Hellenic with an initial end-to-end solution for black silicone payment wristbands.

The platform features an embedded Visa applet and links seamlessly to the user's Hellenic Bank debit or credit card account, Gemalto said.

Hellenic Bank group general manager for Retail and International Banking George Karagiorges said: "Gemalto and Mellon Cyprus offered all the benefits of a one-stop service, and successfully met our demanding launch timetable. Convenience, choice and innovation are at the heart of our customer offer, and we now have plans to extend the NFC wristband range with new colors and materials."

Gemalto senior vice president for Europe Patrick Kleuters said: "The introduction of PayBand, the new water-resistant payment wristband reflects and strengthens Hellenic Bank's reputation as a financial services pioneer.

"The NFC wristbands make contactless payment a genuinely anytime, anywhere proposition. They boost loyalty and appeal to important market sectors such as young, tech-savvy consumers."