Electronic money provider iCard and myPOS Europe have joined forces to support the acceptance of JCB branded contactless payment solutions, JCB Contactless, across European merchants.

Under the partnership, JCB cardholders can pay at merchants acquiring payments through myPOS contactless-enabled payment terminals using a card or smartphone.

JCB International (Europe) managing director Tsuyoshi Notani said: “This is a significant new partnership for JCB’s advanced contactless payments solution as we look to partner with forward-thinking acquirers and PSPs to drive acceptance for cardmembers across Europe. Both iCard and myPOS are at the forefront of the industry and provide great value to merchants and consumers alike.

“The additional payment method this deal facilitates will create a streamlined payments experience for JCB cardmembers looking to use contactless to enhance the shopping experience.”

iCard CEO Yavor Petrov added: “The rise of contactless payments has come – contactless acceptance widens every day with more and more merchants being equipped with contactless-enabled POS terminals and with the growing popularity of contactless payments, wearables and digital wallets among end consumers.

“People are becoming particularly sensitive about their time and convenience. With these trends in the spotlight, iCard and JCB are on the crest of the wave launching JCB’s contactless acceptance in Europe.”