Smart card payment solutions provider Infineon Technologies has teamed up with fingerprint identification solutions provider IDEX Biometrics to advance biometric card solutions.

Under the partnership, IDEX Biometrics’ solutions will be integrated into platforms with Infineon’s security controllers.

Furthermore, the two firms plan to develop a system-on-card demonstrator. The offering will run on Infineon’s 16-bit security controller with two interfaces.

IDEX said that Infineon’s secure elements will help it overcome the challenge of sensitive power consumption profile generally associated with contactless biometric smart cards.

Moreover, biometric cards with fingerprint authentication are said to address fraud concerns and enable faster transactions compared to PIN authentication.

Infineon head of the payment and wearables Bjoern Scharfen said: “We firmly believe that leveraging the expertise of Infineon and IDEX will allow us to define a sustainable path for a secure biometric ecosystem with highest performance.

“Biometrics are the next innovation step for contactless payment cards, providing additional security and convenience to banks and consumers.”

Moreover, Infineon and IDEX are working together on finding the most effective way to integrate IDEX’s host API into biometric systems with Infineon’s secure element. The aim is to accelerate deployment of dual interface biometric cards.

IDEX, in association with key industry players, also plans to develop an open ecosystem for smart cards ideal for payment, corporate ID and access applications.