Sybase 365, a subsidiary of Sybase, the
mobile messaging and mobile commerce service provider, is
partnering with Ixe Bank, one of Mexico’s leading financial
institutions, to launch ‘Ixe Net Movil’, a multi-channel m-banking
The partnership equips Ixe customers with
on-the-go account access and multiple banking functions through all
channels – Intelligent SMS, mobile browser and rich-client Mobile
Ixe Bank will be able to access banking
services including alerts and notifications, account transfers,
bill payment and monitoring of recent transactions.
With more than 150 local branch offices across
Mexico, the mobile service enables Ixe Bank to interact with its
customers in real-time through mobile alerts, marketing campaigns
and two-way banking services.
Ixe customers can register for the free mobile
service through Ixe Net, the bank’s online customer portal, or
through their mobile device.