JCB International, a subsidiary of Japan-based JCB, has become principal member of nexo Standards in its card schemes category.
Headquartered in Brussels, nexo Standards is the open standards association dedicated to the creation of implementation specifications for card payment acceptance across the globe. It works on behalf of all card payment stakeholders to harmonise contact and contactless card payment acceptance.
The association is developing a new generation of universal card payment standards by creating developing new protocols and implementation specifications together with integrated retail and terminal management systems.
As a principal member, JCB will confirm that its technical requirements for card payments and cash withdrawals are supported by nexo protocols, with a particular focus on the nexo-FAST suite of specifications.
The specifications of nexo-FAST offer a clear description of the application on an EMV chip and PIN payment terminal which provides compliance with the European Payments Council's SEPA cards framework.
nexo-FAST allows a uniform transaction user experience across all payment networks utilising SEPA compliant terminals. It also delivers a one-stop-shop for EMV and SEPA compliant terminal testing, decreasing the risk of interoperability obstacles emerging between payment applications and thereby promotes an open market for EMV and SEPA terminals.
Payment acceptors, processors, payment service providers and vendors will now be able to implement JCB contact and contactless transaction kernels into their EMV and SEPA compliant terminals as specified by nexo-FAST. They can also check their implementations leveraging JCB's test cases for common certification, ensuring their terminals will accept JCB payments without issue once deployed.