The National Payment Council of Jordan has decided to defer the roll out of the payment system through mobile phones to 1 March 2014.

Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) was quoted by the Jordan Times as saying that the decision to postpone the launch of mobile payments was taken during a meeting chaired by CBJ Governor Ziad Fariz.

The delay is part of governmen’st plan to provide companies with additional time to get ready, test their systems and ensure that they are complying with national mobile payment requirements, the news portal reported.

The mobile-telephone payment system was initially planned to roll out on 1 January 2014, according to National Payment Council.

In order to ensure the safety and soundness of the banking system and the resilience of the national payments system, CBJ claims that it adopts and implements effective monetary and financial policies and employs its human, technological, and financial recourses in an optimal manner.