Mastercard and Bank of Maldives have introduced an innovative bio-metric debit card, the Maldives Passport Card.

Launched in collaboration with Maldives’ Immigration service, the new multi-purpose-card can be used not only for payments, but also serves as a national ID card, driver’s licence, as well as a health and insurance card.

The Mastercard Passport Card serves as a travel document complying with the ICAO data standards so can be used at e-gates at Maldives International Airport.

The card can also be utilied as a special insurance card, for cashless health insurance services and motor insurance policy verification.

The card contains bio-metric data of the cardholder such as fingerprints which provide additional security. E-services including e-transport, academic information and medical information can also be included.

Compared to most bank cards which have a durability of a maximum of three years, the new card is made of poly-carbonate material that will last up to 10 years.

Mastercard country manager of Sri Lanka and Maldives Santosh Kumar said: “We believe that by introducing a Passport Card, with the Government of Maldives, we will be reducing hassle and improving overall experiences.

“And by incorporating the payment method into such vital documentation it will help facilitate greater financial inclusion.”