MasterCard have revealed its PayPass contactless figures for the past year. Since January 2012 growth in PayPass-enabled cards has risen more than 50% with retail acceptance doubling in the same period in over 255,000 locations across Europe.
The card issuer said it now has large contactless footprints in France, Poland Germany, Italy, Turkey, Russia, Switzerland and the UK. In Poland more than half of all cards are now enabled with the technology.
Major retailers Marks & Spencer, IKEA and BP all added PayPass acceptance in the last year, while Transport for London recently announced the acceptance of contactless payments on 8,500 buses.
Marion King, MasterCard’s president for the UK and Ireland, said: "What we’ve been able to do here with Transport for London is to ensure that consumers can use the card that’s already in their wallet to seamlessly travel through London but get the benefit of safe, secure payments that are easy to use."
Worldwide, PayPass is now present in 48 countries and is accepted at nearly 550,000 retail locations.
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