Mastercard has shone a light on digital and financial exclusion by lighting up tower blocks in London and Bristol.

The buildings were lit up for 19 minutes 40 seconds, on 10 November to represent the 19.4 million Britons who are not prepared for the current economic downturn and are left feeling in the dark, due to digital and financial exclusion stemmed from Covid-19.

Covid has exposed the need to improve digital inclusion

The coronavirus pandemic has intensified the importance of this issue, with 37% of people in Britain feeling unprepared for the current economic downturn.

With business closures, a rise in redundancies and more working from home, people need a helping hand now more than ever and the uncertainty has left many feeling in the dark, both digitally and financially.

The buildings were located across residential areas in London and Bristol which have close access to one of the partnering charities, Clean Slate, who provide advice and help to those needing digital and financial support.

A message of urging to seek help

The messages ‘In The Dark?’ and ‘With a year full of so many question marks, I know it’s hard to find yourself in the dark’ were clearly displayed to encourage people in the area to search for help if they felt left in the dark or not prepared for the upcoming challenges of the economic downturn.

Mastercard with a coalition of charities have come together to tackle the ever-growing problem head on with the campaign Nobody in the Dark offering support and guidance to those in need.

A part of Talk Money Week

The latest phase of the Nobody in the Dark campaign launches during Talk Money Week (9 – 13 November), an annual awareness week which aims to get the country talking about money and feeling ok to ask for help.

The Nobody in the Dark campaign is aligned with these values and offers support to those who are unsure where to turn and aims to promote financial and digital literacy across the UK.