Mastercard has partnered with First Australians Capital (FAC) to invest in up to 30 indigenous start-ups by providing them with transformational business education opportunities.

The entrepreneurs from these businesses will be able to access the Murra Programme at Melbourne Business School that offers masterclasses and industry-specific mentorship.

These sessions will include business strategy, finance, marketing, leadership, negotiations and leading effective workforces.

In addition, Mastercard plans to offer support for further networking between programme participants, mentors and Mastercard employees.

The firm will also provide digital and e-payments information tutorials, along with general business programme training.

Mastercard Australasia divisional president Richard Wormald said: “Mastercard is extremely proud of its new relationship with First Australians Capital which is making a real difference to supporting a culture of indigenous entrepreneurialism and business success across Australia.

“We’re excited about investing in today’s indigenous entrepreneurs and contributing to the great work of First Australians Capital in supporting Australians focused on building their own business knowledge, assets and wealth.”