The US National ATM Council (NAC), following the creation of an EMV Working Group and has joined the EMV Migration Forum.

The Forum is a cross sector group that seeks to address the complexities and challenges that EMV implementation poses.

The Working Group will explore the policy and implementation issues associated with bringing EMV into the US ATM marketplace, in order to help the NAC Board and guide NAC policy in relation to the technology.

NAC vice-chairman Jim Cable of Turnkey ATM solutions will chair the group. Other members include: Marc Winn of Contour Networks, Patrick Connor from as well as John Willmon and Stuart Mackinnon of Columbus Data Services.

Bruce Renard will represent NAC in the Migration Forum which is sponsored by the Smart Card Alliance.

Last month, the NAC made headlines when it filed an objection with the U.S. District Court asking for the class action settlement agreement between certain merchants and Visa/MasterCard be clarified to exclude independent ATM operators.

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