Automatic Clearing House payments (ACH) grew
by 4.35% in 2011, according to statistics released today by NACHA,
the US electronic payments association.

The total volume of ACH payments exceed
20.2bn, with a total value of $33.91tr over the NACHA network.

The rise is due to three factors, according to

-the expansion of native electronic
-the spread of consumers’ e-payments and
-the growth of direct payments via ACH for B2B transactions.

Payments that start as an e-payment, or native
e-payment, increased five percentage points compared to the
previous year, showing an upwards preference for e-payments options
among consumers and business.

“As advancements within the payments industry
continue, ACH payments also continue to adapt to meet various needs
of both consumers and businesses alike,” said NACHA’s CEO Janet

When it comes to consumers’ behaviour, NACHA
reported a 13.35% increase of direct payments via ACH, citing
online banking and bill payment as the core of an enlarged
‘consumer –initiated entries’ volume (CIE).

 And online transactions, which include
payments executed on a mobile device, amounted to 16.67% of total
network volume, nine percentage points higher than in

 “Direct Payment via ACH puts consumers
in control and provides them with safe and convenient payment
options, making electronic payments a flexible choice for them,”
Estep said.

B2B transactions also showed a steady growth.
‘Corporate Trade Exchange records’ (CTX) rose by 12.69% on the year
ago to 75.5m. ‘Cash Concentration and Disbursement’ payments (CCD)
rose by 4.89% year-on-year.