JackPOS, a new strain of Point-of-Sales (POS) malware, has infected payment card terminals at restaurants and gas stations and stole data from around 700 credit cards in Canada, according to a Los Angeles-based computer security firm IntelCrawler.

The new malware is based on a code from Alina and the data theft occurred 17 days ago, claims the company.

According to IntelCrawler, JackPOS stole data from 400 cards in Vancouver and 280 cards at a location in Longueuil, Quebec, south of Montreal.

IntelCrawler CEO Andrew Komarov was quoted by The Globe and Mail as saying that the point-of-sales terminals were breached through remote access by hackers, who created a large list of possible passwords and then forced themselves into the systems.

"It provides them good results, as the security in this sector is surprisingly really very poor," Komarov added.

In addition to Canada, the JackPOS attacked countries such as Brazil, France, India, Spain and the US.

In Brazil, data from 3,000 cards was stolen in Sao Paulo area, 420 cards in Bangalore, India, and 230 cards in Madrid, Spain.