Financial technology company Nsano has received an enhanced payment service provider licence from the Bank of Ghana.

Nsano has become the first company to have been granted the Bank of Ghana Payment Service Provider (Enhanced) License.

The fintech firm already offers merchant payment solutions and remittance services in the country.

It has been playing the role of an aggregator in connecting various entities to the nation’s mobile money operators.

The licence will allow the company to offer services such as electronic funds transfer, facilitate interoperability of payment systems and services, and payment system aggregation.

It will also allow the company to provide electronic platforms for payment or receipt of funds, and offer technological services to enable switching, routing, clearing and data management.

Kofi Owusu-Nhyira, a director of Nsano, said that it was privileged to serve the country, particularly in such times when the Covid-19 pandemic has revealed the true essence of digital financial services.

He also said that the company will play its part in innovating and adapting in response to the country’s financial technology service needs during these unusual times, and support the Bank of Ghana in leveraging digital channels to minimise risks and operational disruptions to both customers and providers of financial services.

Apart from Ghana, Nsano recently also commenced operations in various other African markets such as Zambia, Uganda and Cote d’Ivoire.

The company aims to process 50% of Africa’s GDP by 2025.