Orange Money Botswana, mobile payment platform EcoCash, and payments network TransferTo have joined forces to facilitate digital money transfers between Zimbabwe and Botswana.

Through the new service, Zimbabwean diaspora residing in Botswana can make fund transfers from their Orange Money digital wallet to their EcoCash wallets. The service will be powered by the TransferTo network.

Commenting on the development, Orange Botswana Patrick Benon said: “As part of our broader financial inclusion and diversification strategy, Orange Money seeks to expand its services to offer a cheaper, secure and more convenient International Money Transfer payment infrastructure from Botswana to the whole Southern Africa region and beyond.

“This service will enable better and more affordable access to digital money transfers between Zimbabwe and Botswana.

TransferTo CEO Peter De Caluwe added: “With this partnership, we have an amazing opportunity to help meet the growing demand for alternative digital financial solutions in Africa and offer a cheaper, secure and more convenient payment infrastructure through which digital transfers are performed.”