Payments specialist ACI Worldwide has integrated PagBrasil, an online payment processing service and gateway, into its UP eCommerce payments solution in Brazil.
The integration allows flexible payment services for both domestic and global eCommerce operations in Latin America’s largest market.
ACI’s integrated fraud management secures transactions and provides a network of more than 350 card acquirers and alternative payments methods for international expansion.
PagBrasil co-founder Ralf Germer said: “Brazil continues to be an attractive market for international merchants looking to expand their business, but the broad range of payment methods required—not to mention the region’s regulatory and taxation particulars—can hamper market entry and create unnecessary complexity.
“It was a logical choice to integrate with ACI’s open API, and make our technologically flexible services easily accessible to the payment providers and merchants that are already part of an extensive global payments network.”
ACI Worldwide vice president Andy McDonald added: “The vision of ACI’s UP eCommerce Payments solution is to open up payment endpoints to all partners within our ecosystem – enabling universal connectivity.
“The successful integration of PagBrasil gives our entire network greater choice and flexibility in determining their payments setup, which is paramount when entering a market with the complexities of Brazil. What is particularly notable is the speed and effectiveness with which PagBrasil integrates independently, using the self-service functionality of our open payment technology.”