PayPal Mobile is to roll out of the second version of its mobile payment app for Android handsets, which allows users to ‘bump’ their mobile phones together to send money.

Laura Chambers, senior director at PayPal Mobile, revealed the launch of the new app complete with the bump technology, via a statement on the company website.

‘Split the check’ is another feature of the app, which lets consumers automatically calculate the total cost of a bill and then collect money directly from friends when out to dinner.

Chambers cites a recent Nielsen Company report which predicts that more people will own smartphones than any other phone in the US by the end of next year.

“We’ve definitely seen this growth ourselves,” said Chambers.

“While we’ve had PayPal mobile applications since 2005, in the last few years we’ve seen usage soar. Over the last six months alone, PayPal generated nearly twice the mobile payment volume it did in all of 2009, and we expect to close out the year with over a half a billion dollars of mobile payment volume.”