RBC Express Track Wire Payments is now live to enable businesses to track wire payments in real-time.
The feature is also part of RBC’s ongoing commitment to deliver enhanced digital customer payment experiences.
Using advanced technology, the new service increases the visibility and transparency of the real-time status of payments. This can include everything from online orders, travel payments, transport and more.
Business clients can now track their wire payments in real time through the bank’s online business banking channel, RBC Express.
The RBC Express Track Wire Payments feature will leverage SWITF’s global payments technology.
Furthermore, businesses will be able to track their wire payment from the moment it leaves RBC. Delivering complete transparency, the whole payment journey is traceable at any point, giving clients peace of mind.
In addition, having this added level of visibility will enable businesses to optimise their cash flow.
RBC Express Track Wire Payment feature
RBC has been actively involved in SWIFT’S gpi initiative and participated in its international gpi pilot.
In addition, RBC worked with the gpi Vision Group.
Vice-President, Business Deposits & Treasury Solutions at RBC, Lisa Lansdowne-Higgins, commented:
“This is a powerful new digital feature that offers enhanced visibility into the status of a domestic or international wire payment.
“For the first time, our clients will have a transparent view of the end-to-end wire payments process, which will result in fewer inquiries around tracking details and discrepancies around funds sent versus funds received.”
Lansdowne-Higgins also represents Canada on SWIFT’s global board of directors.
RBC continues to accelerate its digital transformation strategy for business across Canada. On June 18, RBC partnered with Microsoft to launch the RBC GoDigital programme.
Furthermore, the aim of the programme is to make the digital transformation journey more seamless and accessible to Canadian companies.
According to SWIFT more than $300bn is now sent daily via SWIFT gpi in 148 currencies.