Starbucks will now accept Square mobile’s payment application Square Wallet in approximately 7,000 US retail locations, following an agreement signed in August this year.

Square Wallet is an iOS or Android application that customers can use to carry out payments. Once ready to complete a transaction customers tap the "pay here" icon and scan the Quick Response code (QR) that it produces. The Square Wallet application is directly linked to a credit or debit card which means consumers do not need to reload the cards’ balance.

The app will function alongside Starbucks own mobile payment applications and has the Starbucks Card and My Starbucks Rewards programs interrogated with it.

Adam Brotman, Starbucks chief digital officer said "Starbucks believes in the values and vision of Square, and just three months after announcing our partnership with Square, we are thrilled to make the convenience of paying with the Square Wallet app available to our customers starting today."

Starbucks has invested USD 25 million to replace transaction systems in the US and use Square’s payer app, "Pay with Square" and store localiser app "Square Directory".