Dutch banks ABN Amro, ING Nederland and Rabobank have selected equensWorldline as their infrastructure provider for instant payments.

Under the agreement, equensWorldline will offer these three banks a new European and global payments infrastructure that will allow payments to be processed instantly.

These real-time payments will be available around the clock, 365 days a year, including on weekends and holidays, equensWorldline noted.

equensWorldline CMO Alessandro Baroni said: “The program to deliver Instant Payments in the Netherlands is well underway, and with the choice of an infrastructure provider, the three major banks took a huge step. At equensWorldline, we are ready. The development of the infrastructure is completed and the results of the tests we have performed to date are looking good.”

The next step equensWorldline will connect the three banks to its infrastructure.

equensWorldline CEO Michael Steinbach said: “By expanding our portfolio with this complete Instant Payment service, we demonstrate our continued focus to cater for the full spectrum of our clients’ current and future needs. This seamlessly fits our European strategy, aimed at supporting our clients in the challenges they are facing in the rapidly developing European, and more and more, global payments market, in which responsiveness, customer value and the capability to innovate are of the essence.”