Western Union and the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID) have announced the planned launch
a second African Diaspora Marketplace (ADM) in the fourth quarter
of 2011.
The aim of the ADM, the first of which took
place last year, is to support US-based African entrepreneurs
develop ideas for start-up and established businesses in
Sub-Saharan Africa.
The remittance company will leverage its
considerable network in the region to ensure that grants made via
the ADM are received efficiently.
“We are committed to promoting economic growth
in Africa,” said Hikmet Ersek, Western Union’s president and
“The inaugural ADM has generated
innovative firsts in new business sectors, strengthened demand for
locally produced products and services and enabled winning
businesses to leverage additional capital and resources.
Grantees awarded funds at the first ADM in
2010 are seeing business innovation take shape in several