Payments technology firm Wirecard has enabled digital payments through the mobile wallet app mBills, which is owned by Slovenian energy company Petrol.

The mobile wallet will be offered to over half a million participants in Petrol’s loyalty programme to enable them make cashless payments.

Using the debit card issued by Wirecard, connected to mobile wallet, the mBills app users can make payments on-site at almost 50 million points of sale globally as well as online.

Wirecard head of sales digital goods Boris Bongartz said: “The new payment function is important in the mBills mobile wallet ecosystem – and is a core competency of Wirecard. The mobile wallet solution from MBILLS and Wirecard offers its users much more and thus makes an important contribution to inspiring users for digital payment solutions.

“We are delighted to be able to support MBILLS and by this Petrol in digitizing payment processes.”

The mobile wallet app can be used to make both in-store and online payments. It will also allow users to make peer-to-peer money transfer.

Users can order, activate and block the card from their mobile device. They can also manage their finances, set transaction limits, activate or blocking payments outside the European Union on the go from any corner of the world.

An alert will be sent to the user’s smartphone free of charge after each transaction.

The new mobile wallet solution is already available to all Android and iOS users.