Biometric technology provider Zwipe has collaborated with Smart Technology Services (STS) to build a manufacturing solution for biometric payment cards.
Under the partnership, the companies will jointly develop as well as market packaging solutions. These solutions will cover chip and sensor packaging, adhesion processes, equipment manufacturing, process settings, test procedures and technical assistance.
The aim is to enable card manufacturers set up a tested solution for rapid production of biometric payment cards.
Zwipe CEO André Løvestam said: “This close collaboration will further strengthen our capacity to efficiently facilitate mass market adoption of our technology, contributing to the streamlining of the production process for card manufacturers and working closely with STS on engineering support for card manufacturers to bring Zwipe-enabled biometric payment cards to market at scale.”
The new manufacturing solution is expected to be rolled out in the first quarter of next year.
STS CEO Thierry Buisson said: “The implementation of fingerprint sensors in ISO-thin payment cards presents some manufacturing challenges and requires particular manufacturing and testing processes that we believe we have made the most advancements in the world in addressing.
“Zwipe’s and Smart Technology Services’ joint offering will eliminate the need for card manufacturers and issuers to conduct long, complex and expensive experiments before finding the right solution to manufacture and deploy biometric cards, ensuring that we will offer the most competitive and agile solution to this rapidly growing marketplace.”
Earlier this month, Zwipe launched white label fingerprint enrolment solutions for biometric payment cards.