RegTech solution provider Konsentus has gone live with its cloud-based PSD2 open banking production service.

The Konsentus offering helps Financial Institutions (FIs) comply with PSD2 open banking by facilitating Identity & Regulatory checking of Third-Party Providers (TPPs).

The service is delivered on a Software as a Service (SaaS) basis with RESTful APIs. According to Konsentus it offers the market a unique end-to-end proposition combining Identity and Regulatory checking with access token issuance.

Brendan Jones, Chief Commercial Officer of Konsentus said; “Two months after the launch of our TPP Identity & Regulatory checking sandbox, we are delighted to provide FIs with access to the production environment.

Konsentus: “only live end-to-end solution”

“Timelines are becoming critical. This will enable FIs to develop, build and test their solutions ahead of time, and help them to meet their PSD2 obligations.  STET and Berlin Group schema will follow shortly. Konsentus is leading the way in offering the market the only fully live end-to-end solution”.

Peter Winfield-Chislett, Chief Architect, added; “Built utilising the AWS infrastructure as a platform, the Konsentus TPP Identity & Regulatory checking solution with access token management works to a one hour SLA on the 31 National Competent Authority TPP updates, full referencing of all 73 eIDAS Qualified Trust Service providers and a state-of-the-art micro service approach to build scalability and reliability into the software architecture ensuring 100% up-time for our clients.”

14 March 2019 deadline fast approaching

Developer resources and production systems are now available on the Konsentus website. This covers:

  1. Swagger documentation;
  2. Core TPP Identity & Regulatory checking sandbox;
  3. Sandbox complying to OBIE standards, and
  4. Live cloud-based production environment with RESTful APIs

The 14 March 2019 deadline fast approaching for FIs to meet the PSD2 open banking regulations is fast approaching.

The EBA has stated:

  • “The legal and regulatory requirements apply as and when they are issued by the EBA and the national authorities”
  • “Ignorance of them can of course not be used to justify non-compliance”
  • “Non-compliance amounts to a breach of law, with the resultant consequences for the legal entity”