According to research, 61% of UK consumers applying for credit cards last year were turned down, a 2% increase on the year before.’s Credit Index also gave a breakdown of credit applications by region, showing that the town of Dumfries had the highest rejection rate, with 64.2% of applicants for credit cards being turned down.
There was a clear North South divide across the UK, with St Albans, Bromley and Kingston upon Thames boasting the lowest rejection rates at 56%, 56.4% and 56.5% respectively.
With credit card rejection rates barely lower than Dumfries, Sunderland and Kilmarnock brought up the rear in terms of acceptance.
Sunderland had a rejection rate of 64.1% while rejection rates in Kilmarnock came in at 63.7%, rankings that could be explained to some extent by higher than average unemployment rates.
The region with the most applications per capita was Blackpool, which also has a higher than average rejection rate of 62%.
Second and third in line for the most applications for credit cards were Kilmarnock and Manchester, while those living in West London and Shrewsbury made the fewest applications for credit per resident.
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