Singaporean telecom operator Singtel has joined forces with NETSTARS, a mobile payment technology firm based in Japan, to support cross-border payments.

NETSTARS will join cross-border mobile payments alliance VIA, which was launched by Singtel last year.

Under the agreement, NETSTARS’ network of 100,000 stores in Japan will be able to accept payments from mobile wallets within VIA network including Singtel Dash, AIS GLOBAL Pay, Kasikornbank’s K Plus as well as Axiata Digital’s Boost Malaysia.

NETSTARS merchants cover airports, shopping malls, tourist spots and transportation modes, among others.

The firm plans to increase its merchant network in Japan to one million stores by the end of next year.

Commenting on the partnership, NETSTARS CEO Tsuyoshi Ri said: “Together we will bring convenience to both customers and stores as NETSTARS expands its store network from thousands to millions, moving towards a cashless society in Japan.”

Singtel CEO of International Group Arthur Lang said that the tie-up marks VIA’s entry into North Asia.

“These partnerships to grow cross-border mobile payments continue to add further momentum to the Singtel Group’s goal of empowering consumers and enabling them to transact seamlessly across borders,” Lang  noted.

The latest move comes shortly after Singtel’s tie-up with Axiata Digital.

Singtel plans to expand the reach of VIA to India, Philippines, and Indonesia later.